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【大美广东·中英双语】广州1509对新人2月14日喜结连理 发布日期:2023/2/18 来源: 打印

1509 couples in Guangzhou tie the knot on Valentine's Day


On February 14, many couples flocked to the marriage registration office of the Liwan DistrictMunicipalCivil Affairs Bureau in Guangzhou to tie the knot.


While some chose this particular date for its romantic association with Valentine's Day, others had their own reasons such as birthdays. The GuangzhouMunicipalCivil Affairs Bureau reported that a total of 1509 couples registered for marriage on this day.

To further promote healthy and responsible wedding values by guiding and encouraging couples, some districtmunicipal civilaffairsbureaus came up with innovative ways. These efforts were aimed at strengthening and reforming the institution of marriage and encouraging couples to prioritize the importance of a healthy and happy marital relationship.






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