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【大美广东·中英双语】花城留香,广州越秀首届“素馨佳人”惊艳亮相 发布日期:2023/2/10 来源: 打印

Guangzhou Yuexiu sees its first "Miss Suxin Flowers (Jasminum grandiflorum)"


#TheGreatBeautyofGuangdong Guangzhou is known as the "Millennium Flower City," where the sweet flowers bloom like white snow. On July 7, Guangzhou Yuexiu's first"Miss Suxin flowers (Jasminum grandiflorum)" made a stunning appearance.

Eminent Guangzhou folklore expert Rao Yuansheng, the flower has been a symbol of Guangzhou for over 2,000 years, deeply rooted in its culture.

The young women, at the peak of their beauty, showcased the pure, elegant, and flexible essence of the flower through their performances in poetry recitation, guqin playing, swordplay, and other displays of their talents. They expressed their love for life and their dedication to preserving traditional culture.







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