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【老广贺春·中英双语】逛广府庙会,尽享大江南北美食 发布日期:2023/2/10 来源: 打印

Mouth-watering dishes at Guang Fu (Cantonese) Temple Fair


#老广贺春 #NewYearinLingnan On February 7, the Guang Fu (Cantonese) Temple Fair food area opened on Huifu East Road in grand style.

The gourmet area mainly features mouth-watering Cantonese delicacies, as well as many delicious snacks and dishes from all over the world. Visitors can satisfy their taste buds with the must-have eats of the 30-year-old Jubao Pigeon King, Chen Tianji Fish Skin, Qingxin Chicken Shatian Pigeon, Junan Steamed Pig, and many other local snacks at the fair.

This year, many new famous brands also appear at the Guang Fu Temple Fair. Trendy delicacies such as Durian Xishi and Internet-famous Durian Puffs have been a real treat for epicures.







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