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【大美广东·中英双语】从荒地到生态绿洲:东莞国家城市湿地公园绿美蜕变之旅 发布日期:2024/11/7 来源: 打印

From wasteland to ecological oasis: The green transformation journey of Dongguan National Urban Wetland Park

The current Dongguan National Urban Wetland Park is picturesque. In the near distance, the river water is clear, the trees are shady, and all kinds of water plants are swaying. In the distance, canna indica flowers are blooming warmly, reflecting each other with the buildings of the middle school. Since 2008, Dongguan Songshan Lake Park has built a restoration and composite wetland park based on trees and rivers. With the continuous improvement of the ecological environment, this place has become a "wintering place" for rare birds such as the oriental white stork, red-whiskered bulbul, pied harrier, and turdus mandarinus.


文 | 秦小辉

图 | 王俊伟







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