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【云上岭南·中英双语】雄狮少年角逐“狮王”桂冠 发布日期:2024/10/30 来源: 打印

Young lion dancers compete for the 'Lion King' title



Art and Culture | On October 26th-27th, the finals of the 8th #Guangzhou Youth Lion Dance Performance Competition took place in the central square of the Guangzhou Cultural Center. Twenty-five elite #LionDance teams from 11 districts across the city, with over 300 young contestants, gathered to showcase their skills in a fierce competition for the "Lion King" crown, celebrating the grandeur of the #Cantonese lion dance.

The young lion dancers entered with coordinated, energetic strides, embodying an enthusiastic spirit. In the group lion competition, teams showcased the unity and power of #Lingnan culture through vigorous choreography and impressive skills. In the single lion dance finals, 13 top teams competed fiercely, performing creative "plucking the greens" stunts that displayed youthful vitality. Ultimately, the Feiyang Dragon-Lion Dance Troupe from Baiyunhu Street claimed the highest score, earning them the "Lion King" title. #artandculture






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