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【大美广东·中英双语】 山海计划短片《海水泡的茶是什么味道》入围重庆青年电影展 发布日期:2024/10/29 来源: 打印

The short film "How Can I Rid My Mind of Her" (2023), supported by the Maritime Guangdong Program, shortlisted for the 11th Chongqing Youth Film Festival 

Great news! The short film "How Can I Rid My Mind of Her" (2023), supported by the Maritime Guangdong Program, has been shortlisted for the short film competition of the International Communication Program at the 11th Chongqing Youth Film Festival. The film had its premiere there on October 25. Directed by young filmmaker Wenli Huang, the film was primarily shot in Yinghong Town, a renowned tea-producing town and overseas Chinese community in Guangdong.

Yinghong Town, formerly known as Yinghong Overseas Chinese Tea Farm, is home to over 13,000 overseas Chinese and their families, who returned from Vietnam. They make up 76% of the local population. Tea plays a central role in the lives of many of these people. "How Can I Rid My Mind of Her" captures the deep connection between these individuals and tea, while exploring their heartfelt memories of love and separation.









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