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【大美广东·中英双语】揭阳三种美食入选全国二十四节气(夏季)旅游美食 发布日期:2024/6/13 来源: 打印

Three cuisines from Jieyang are selected as tourism cuisines of the 24 solar terms (summer)

Lingnan: Beauty Beyond Borders | On June 5, the tourism cuisines and routes of the 24 solar terms (summer) were released in Yuncheng, Shanxi, under the guidance of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and carried out by China Tourism News.

Jieyang, Guangdong, recommended three speciality cuisines, namely, Jiexi Lei Tea, Putian bamboo feast and Longjiang pig's trotters, which were selected among them. Based on this, Jieyang integrated the local cuisines and tourist attractions to compile the Jieyang Summer Cuisine Tourism Route, which was also successfully selected as one of the routes of the Four Seasons Cuisine Tourism Excellence Routes in Guangdong Province.#SplendidLingnan






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