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【大美广东·中英双语】广州:30对新人搭“掂”“喜船”漫游广州西关 发布日期:2024/5/23 来源: 打印

Guangzhou: 30 couples to take the traditional ‘‘boats of love’’ and roamed Xiguan, Guangzhou

City Life | On 20 May, which means ‘‘I love you’’ in Chinese, a group #wedding ceremony was held in Liwan, #Guangzhou, where 30 couples gathered on the shores of Liwan Lake and rode on a double-decker bus full of festive ambiance, cruising along Duobao Road, Fengyuan Road, Ruyi Fang and other roads, which carry beautiful #symbols, to accept the #blessings of the public. Afterward, the newlyweds collectively experienced the traditional ‘‘boats of love’’ and roamed #Lychee Bay. #citylife






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