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【大美广东】广州:“古典芭蕾的百科全书”《睡美人》即将上演 发布日期:2024/5/23 来源: 打印


The ‘‘Sleeping Beauty’’ to stage in Guangzhou

Arts and Culture| From May 31 to June 1, the classical #ballet, ‘‘Sleeping Beauty’’, will be staged at the #Guangzhou Opera House, newly produced by Bingxian Liu, the artistic director of Universal Ballet in Korea. The “Sleeping Beauty” is a ballet based on the French writer Perrault’s “Sleeping Beauty in the Woods, whose musical parts were composed by Tchaikovsky in 1888-1889.” It celebrates #friendship and loyal love. It has chosen the version of the #Russian Mariinsky Theatre, which is extremely exquisite in stage beauty and costume design, showing the #luxurious gas of the royal nobility. #artandculture


点击链接观看原视频:【大美广东】The ‘‘Sleeping Beauty’’ to stage in Guangzhou广州:“古典芭蕾的百科全书”《睡美人》即将上演





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