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【大美广东·中英双语】勇士归来!蓝天救援队完成土耳其搜救任务平安返穗 发布日期:2023/2/20 来源: 打印

China Blue Sky Rescue Team is back home after completing its rescue mission in Turkey


#TheGreatBeautyofGuangdong Welcome the Warriors back home! At noon on Feb. 19, China Blue Sky Rescue Team arrived at Baiyun International Airport on a flight from Istanbul to Guangzhou after completing its rescue mission in Turkey.

Their teammates and relatives had already been waiting at the airport with flowers and gifts in hand. When the rescue team got off the plane to meet their relatives and friends, everyone was excited to tears.

As a professional and independent public welfare emergency rescue organization, China Blue Sky Rescue Team was established in 2007. The team takes voluntary service as the principle. Each member usually has their own job, but whenever there is a rescue task, they gather to participate.

The rescuers sent by Guangdong to Turkey have rich experience in natural disaster relief. They fought in Malatya, Ad?yaman, and Kahramanmara? for seven consecutive days. They overcame many difficulties and created many miracles during their humanitarian mission to win the hearts of billions around the world.





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