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【云上岭南·中英双语】中国南沙,会诞生下一个Space X吗 发布日期:2024/3/4 来源: 打印

Y Talk|Is the next SpaceX to be born in Nansha, China?

In 2023, it's like the whole world is looking at SpaceX's way in the aerospace scene, moving real quick. But China's own space game is doing its own thing, taking its path and having a real boost in 2023. China sent a whopping 270 satellites up there, and 65% of them were for business. That's137 commercial satellites. 13 of those rides were courtesy of commercial rockets. In the world of China's commercial aerospace, you can't ignore Nansha in Guangzhou - it's making waves.Is the next SpaceX to be born in Nansha, China?



如果给2023年的全球科技大事排一个榜单,SpaceX星舰的两次发射一定榜上有名。2023年,全球航天行业霸权正在以肉眼可见的速度向着SpaceX集中。即便如此,中国的商业航天仍然走出了一条独立的发展曲线,并在2023年迎来了第一次井喷式爆发。整个2023年,中国一共将270颗卫星送入太空,其中有137颗是商业卫星,占比65%,而执行这270颗卫星的发射任务的,有13次是由商业火箭完成的。在中国商业航天的版图上,广州南沙不容忽视。中国南沙,会诞生下一个Space X吗?




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