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【老广贺春·中英双语】 汕头南澳:渔灯赛会闹新春 海岛年味别样浓 发布日期:2023/2/13 来源: 打印

The Fishing Lantern Eventon Nan'ao island


【老广贺春】The Fishing Lantern Eventon Nan'ao island汕头南澳:渔灯赛会闹新春 海岛年味别样浓

#老广贺春 #NewYearinLingnan On the afternoon of February 8,the Fishing Lantern Event, after three years of break, staged a comeback in Houzhai Town, Nan'ao County, Shantou City of Guangdong Province.

Surrounded by the Yingge Dance team,drum corps, and flag teams, the fishing lantern teams from different villages and towns shuttled from the alleys to the squares or the open areas of the main streets to render various kinds of fishing lanterns performances.

With the sound of cheering and firecrackers, the audience on the streets immersed themselves in traditional activities, pushing the strong atmosphere of the Spring Festival to a climax.





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