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【老广贺春·中英双语】广州正佳元宵灯会:千灯绽放,梦回大唐 发布日期:2023/2/7 来源: 打印

Exquisite lantern show in Guangzhou!


NewYearinLingnan The lights illuminate thousands of families reuniting at this time. On February 5, theTang-styleThousand Lantern Festival was staged in Zhengjia SquareofGuangzhou. With thousands of lanterns lighting and shadow dancing on the spot, visitors have a feeling of the moment of "traveling" back to the Tang Dynasty.

The exquisite fish lanterns attracted many citizens and tourists, many of whom wore Tang suits(Tang-style costumes)and Hanfu(Han-style costumes)to take pictures and experience the immersive "Tang Palace Night Banquet" to celebrate the Lantern Festival together.






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