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Grape festival begins in Qingdao 发布日期:2024/9/13 来源:International daily 打印

Grape festival begins in Qingdao.jpg

QINGDAO -- The 38th Dazeshan Grape Festival began on Sept 7 in Pingdu, a county-level city of Qingdao, Shandong province, providing a platform to promote rural development.

Over two months, the festival will offer a blend of cultural and artistic performances, grape-picking excursions, wine tastings and exhibitions showcasing intangible cultural heritage and grape-related experiences, the event's organizers said.

With creative elements such as micro-dramas, live interviews and heritage displays, the festival aims at a broad audience. Many of the micro-dramas — set against the backdrop of Dazeshan's vineyards — highlight the region's signature grape industry and picturesque rural scenery.

Dazeshan boasts a grape cultivation area of around 2,333 hectares and features some 300 grape varieties. Annual production exceeds 50,000 metric tons, valued at 800 million yuan ($113 million).




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