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Governor Newsom convenes special session to prevent gas price spikes, save Californians money at the 发布日期:2024/9/6 来源:International Daily 打印

SACRAMENTO – Governor Gavin Newsom on Aug 31 called for a special session of the Legislature to address the pernicious problem of gasoline price spikes at the pump — and save Californians hundreds of millions of dollars annually.

Price spikes on consumers are profit spikes for oil companies, and they’re overwhelmingly caused by refiners not backfilling supplies when they go down for maintenance. If this proposal had been in effect last year, Californians could have saved hundreds of millions — if not billions — of dollars at the pump as evidenced by this Division of Petroleum Market Oversight (DPMO) analysis.

“It should be common sense for gas refineries to plan ahead and backfill supplies when they go down for maintenance to avoid price spikes. But these price spikes are actually profit spikes for Big Oil, and they’re using the same old scare tactics to maintain the status quo. We look forward to working with our Legislative partners during the special session to act on this urgently needed legislation. Calling the session now allows the Legislature to begin that work immediately so that the state can resolve this important matter to establish the necessary rules to prevent price spikes next year and beyond,” said Governor Gavin Newsom.

The Governor’s special session is set to focus on passing the Governor’s plan to save Californians money at the pump. It would authorize the California Energy Commission (CEC) to require petroleum refiners to maintain a minimum inventory of refined fuel throughout the distribution chain to avoid supply shortages that create higher prices at the pump for consumers. It would also authorize the CEC to require refiners to plan for resupply during scheduled refiner maintenance.

Following gasoline price spikes in 2022, Governor Newsom called for a special session and worked in partnership with the Legislature to sign into law a package of reforms holding Big Oil accountable. California’s new watchdog found that higher gasoline prices were caused by a suspicious market transaction, refinery maintenance without properly preparing for it, and more. 

In January of this year, the watchdog sent Governor Newsom and the legislature a letter outlining specific proposals to reform California’s gasoline spot market, which included a minimum inventory requirement to prevent price spikes due to lack of stable supply.







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