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青白江中歐汽車城,迪拜阿爾阿維爾汽車市場同步啟動四川車貿環球之旅 发布日期:2023/2/18 来源: 打印

Good news for car fans! On January 5th, Sichuan Vehicle Trade Global Tour was synchronously launched at the China-Europe Auto City in Qingbaijiang, Chengdu and the Al Aweer Auto Market in Dubai, UAE.The trade volume exceeded 5 billion RMB! It will also be held in Southeast Asia, America and Africa in future. Up to now, Qingbaijiang vehicle trade has achieved full coverage of formats, and the cumulative import and export volume of vehicles has exceeded 25,000 units.

車迷的福音! 1月5日,四川車貿環球之旅在成都青白江中歐汽車城和阿聯酋迪拜阿爾阿維爾汽車市場同步啟動,貿易額突破50億元人民幣! 未來還將在東南亞、美洲和非洲舉辦。 截至目前,青白江整車貿易已實現業態全覆蓋,累計整車進出口量超過2.5萬輛。




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