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粤剧、擂鼓、团扇......广州各大酒店为广交会采购商带来特色服务 发布日期:2024/5/7 来源: 打印


Cantonese opera, drum beating, and folding fans... Hotels in Guangzhou provide special services for Canton Fair buyers

Lingnan: Beauty Beyond Borders | The 135th Canton Fair concluded on a high note on May 5. During the fair, various hotels in #Guangzhou provided many special services to welcome visitors, allowing them to experience the warmth and hospitality of the city. Some #hotels even offered customized services for their #guests, such as personalized room cards featuring Guangzhou's iconic #architecture and #Lingnan cultural elements, welcome #gift packs with essential travel items like #umbrellas and thermal flasks, and unique #folk performances including #drum beating, long sleeve dance, #Cantonese #opera, folding fan, and #Chinese orchestra. #SplendidLingnan


点击链接观看原视频:【大美广东】Cantonese opera, drum beating, and folding fans... Hotels in Guangzhou provide special services for Canton Fair buyers粤剧、擂鼓、团扇......广州各大酒店为广交会采购商带来特色服务





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