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【云上岭南·中英双语】西班牙普拉多博物馆馆藏《蒙娜丽莎》亮相上海浦东美术馆 发布日期:2024/4/25 来源: 打印

The Mona Lisa from the Museo Nacional del Prado of Spain appears in the Museum of Art Pudong of Shanghai 

Art and Culture | On 23rd April, the exhibition Ages of Splendor: A History of Spain in the Museo del Prado, jointly organized by the Museum of Art Pudong of #Shanghai and the Museo Nacional del Prado of #Spain, has kicked off in Shanghai, which marks the largest presentation of the Spanish museum’s collection in #China in terms of scale. The exhibition features a selection of 70 masterpieces from the Spanish #museum, 16 of which have left Spain for the first time, nine will be out of their home in Prado for the first time, and more than half of the works are being shown in #Asia for the first time. The exhibition is about 50 important #artists' creations, such as #Titian, Veronese, Murillo, Rubens, Zurbaran, #Goya, and so on, letting the audience seem to be in a star-studded art hall. #artandculture





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